Bazhenov Y.V. 1
Denisov Iv.V. 1
Denisov Il.V. 1
1 Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
The technical condition of the vehicle control systems has an impact on its active safety. Analysis of statistical data on road traffic accidents in the Russian Federation has shown that failure of the braking systems are the cause of more than 40% of traffic accidents that occur due to operation of technically faulty vehicles. Ensuring reliable operation of transport vehicles in use can improve road safety. In this paper, we have investigated the reliability of the braking system of VAZ - 21703 , equipped with anti-lock braking system ( ABS). During the analysis of the structural schema is well established that the elements of such a system reliability should be higher compared to the conventional brake control , the design of which no wheel speed sensors and ECU hydromodulator but a brake force regulator . The realization of this condition the probability of trouble-free operation of the service braking system installed for security vehicles - 0.95 , will be ensured even in case of failure ABS. The conducted performance tests have shown that the elements limiting the braking system reliability VAZ- 21703 , carry pads and disc brakes front axle. Condition monitoring of front brakes at the next scheduled maintenance vehicle , held every 15 thousand km, and is necessary because already on the operating time of 28 the overall probability of failure-free operation is reduced to a critical value . The result of theoretical and experimental research is recommended to be used to predict the residual life of the system.