Bezuglov D.A. 1
Reshetnikova I.V. 2
1 Don State Technical University
2 FGBOU VPO “Rostov State university of railway transport”
The analysis of the development of optical communication systems of the new generation. Taking into valis following characteristics affecting immunity and range systems, information transmission, such as scattering, the energy attenuation and turbulence. Addressed issues of development of scientific and methodological apparatus of space-time processing of optical signals and correction of perturbed turbulent atmosphere of the phase front in small parameters adaptive optical communication systems , allowing to increase the immunity of such systems. To solve the problem of optimal estimation of the sensor signals of the phase front of the optical wave traversing the turbulent atmospheric layer applied mathematical tools smoothed -down normalized B- splines, which significantly improves the accuracy characteristics small parameters phase conjugation system and effectively take into account the presence of noise registration of varying intensity.