Tsyganov V.V. 1
Bochkareva Y.G. 2
1 Institute of Control Sciences V.A.Trapeznikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship (Penza branch ITBU)
Control theory of the evolution of the organization, aimed at the capture of the capital and power, is the foundation of the theory and method of information management. Considered object, method, tools and archetypes Information Management, Operations and confrontation in politics and economics. A scheme of the regulation mechanism of evolution in a three-level self-organizing system. Depending on the objects and the impact on the scope of the principles of division are the types of information management and summarizes the focus of their activities. The principles of management of information warfare: self-organization, adaptability, progressive, intelligence and consistency. It is shown that the information management can be used to adapt the people and organizations to change. It is shown that a consistent suppression of centers of capital as a result of Russia’s accession to the WTO could lead to the disappearance of the investment environment. Terms of the investment attractiveness of production in Russia is its uniqueness. High technology products and high technology - the basis for survival and development of Russia. Therefore, the national innovation system should include anti-subsystem information wars to suppress Russian high technologies, the need to protect domestic high-tech information from aggression.