Bezuglov D.A. 1
Pomortsev P.M. 2
Krasnobabtshev F.F. 2
Disenov A.A. 3
Ananiev V.A. 3
1 Russia
2 Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos)
3 Federal government military institution of higher education “Military Aviation Engineering University” (Voronezh)
We propose a way to ensure stability of the solution of the problem by adapting the measuring board measuring system of the spacecraft to the conditions of the measurement environment. Based on the analysis undertaken onboard measuring system of the spacecraft measurement technologies controlled parameters defined the basic structures of channels and measurement algorithms, allowing stages to determine the values of function arguments convert measurement data and perform the necessary corrections. Construction of measuring systems based on the proposed method allows for adjustment of control structures onboard measuring systems and provide “flexibility” of software of airborne measurements in the changing measuring conditions.