Belash O.U. 1
Veremyeva O.E. 1
Kivit E.B. 1
Ryzhov N.G. 1
1 Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI”. Saint-Petersburg
The article substantiates the necessity for universities to obtain the forecast of scientific and technological development in the directions, where universities operate. Method, created by Marketing Center of Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI” and used in forecast research, is based on Foresight methodology. The results of research are obtained for scientific and technological direction “Information and Communication Systems and Technologies”. The article investigates the forecast of eight technological groups of this direction, selected on the base of expert survey and discussion in special conducted expert group. The main research tasks are: evaluation of significance and efficiency of technological groups, definition of their development scenarios and potential market, definition of investments structure in evolution of technological groups. Values of forecast characteristics were obtained by means of formal quantitative survey of specialists in the sphere of information and communication systems and technologies.