Belozerov V.V. 1
Oleynikov S.N. 2
1 FGAOU VPO “Southern Federal University”
2 FGBOU VPO Academy of the Public fire service of Emercom of Russia
The analysis of existing system of the state statistics of fires is carried out and the method of combination of the statistical analysis of temporary ranks of performance of operational and tactical tasks and spatial ranks of fires and consequences from them is synthesized. It is shown that the method of the existential statistical analysis (MESA) of fires and consequences from them allows to open, first, specific features of the administrative and territorial units (ATU) about optimization of methods and means of their fire-prevention protection without a detalizirovaniye of many parameters (for example, density of building, population, quantity of objects and electrodevices, etc.), and secondly, and this-main, to synthesize a set of these methods and means by their modeling of “virtual introduction” by means of generation of the corresponding distributions of the Erlang.