Berestneva O.G. 1
Shkatova G.I. 1
Budaeva N.D. 1
1 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
The information systems to assess the competence of students of IT-specialties in accordance with the «professional standards in the field of information technology,» and State educational standards of the third generation. In establishing the system was used by the authors previously developed methodology and software. The software consists of two modules of the «Psychological Testing» and «Analysis of competence.» In the module «Psychological testing» implemented on-line testing, and processing and analysis of 14 psychological tests (questionnaires open and closed, and projective techniques). In the module «Analysis of competencies» implemented technology expert evaluation. The system is implemented in pilot operation at the Institute of Cybernetics of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University in the Department of Applied Mathematics and optimization of control systems.