Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Bakanova N.B. 1 Usmanova I.V. 1
1 Penza State University
In this paper we propose a text analysis methods, which is the basis of an automated information system audit regulations of the organization. The purpose of the analysis - to check compliance with provisions laid down in the existing normative documents, the real situation in the organization. The test procedure involves two successive stages: research and analytical. The aim of the research stage is the selection in the text under consideration the basic linguistic structures and the definition of actors in them, they perform actions, objects, on which the action, as well as the properties of subjects, objects and actions. The results obtained are the initial data for the second (analytical) phase of text analysis methods, which aims to formulate recommendations to optimize business processes and electronic route of the documents. The proposed method of analysis of texts can cause internal regulations in line with the actual distribution of functional responsibilities between the staff, and to increase the efficiency of the organization as a whole.