Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Bolshakova L.S. 1 Litvinova E.V. 1 Zhmurina N.D. 1 Burtseva E.I. 1
1 Orel State Institute of Economy and Trade
One of the ways to solve the problem of iodine deficiency diseases is the inclusion in the ration products containing iodine. The authors developed and patented the technology of production of iodized food emulsions, which on structural-mechanical properties close to the butter. For the purpose of studying of possibility of the use of iodized food emulsions for the prevention of iodine deficiency disorders explored its influence on the functional state of thyroid gland in the conditions of experimental hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism caused by rats-males with the help of introduction into the stomach of merkazolils in the dose of 20 mg/100 g of body weight daily for 14 days. After the introduction of merkazolils (15-th day of the experience) animals received into the stomach iodized food emulsion of 2 mcg iodine/100 g of body weight of rats daily for 14 days. As a comparison group used the intact rats, the animals with experimental hypothyroidism and animals with experimental hypothyroidism, held in obschevivarny diet. The results indicate a possible correction of experimental hypothyroidism using iodized food emulsions. The positive effect of iodized food emulsions as a corrector dysfunctional status of the thyroid gland indicates the need for further research with a view to recommending it in the clinical practice for the mass of iodine prophylaxis of the population.