Vlasov A.A. 1
Orlov N.A. 1
Perekusikhina I.A. 1
1 Penza State University of the Architecture and Building
The paper is devoted development of an adjustable intersection control technique in the conditions of the saturated movement. Usage of a control with predicting model as applied to the problem of adjustable intersection control is offered. The statement of an optimization problem of phase’s duration control, providing of delays minimization at queues length limitations on approaches to adjustable intersections is reduced. The estimation of the offered control effectiveness was led by means of the microscopic simulation model of adjustable intersection in program SUMO. The control of modeling process and of the virtual traffic light controller operation was made by the program developed on programming language Python. For interaction with the program modeling unit TraCI used. In gives research as a base method the traditional design procedure of cycle duration used. Results of modeling have shown advantage of the offered method.