Atiencia Villagomez J.M. 1
Diveеv A.I. 2
Zabudsky E.I. 3
1 Cybernetics and mechatronics department
2 Dorodnicyn Computer Center of Russian Academy of Sciences Vavilov str.
3 Moscow State Agro- Engineering University named after V.P. Goryachkin Timiryazyevskaya
It is considered the multi-criteria genetic algorithm for the synthesis of intelligent control system by the network operator method. The feature of the algorithm is that it is designed for the simultaneous finding two network operators. One network operator describes a multi-dimensional algebraic function for functional control system. Another network operator describes a multi-dimensional logic function for the subsystem logical choice. The algorithm uses the variation principle of the basic solution. A list of elementary variations of the basic solution is given. The algorithm contains an additional vector indicator that shows the basic solution to which it is necessary to apply a certain variation. For the selection of the best solutions is used rank criterion. The result of the algorithm is a Pareto set, which is built for solutions with zero ranks. An example of the implementation of variations of the basic solutions is given.