Akhmedova O.O. 1
Soshinov A.G. 1
Bakhtiarov K.N. 1
1 Kamyshinsky institute of technology (branch) of VolgGTU
Now level of impurity of environment waste products of the person in densely populated places reaches a critical point. In settlements where there is no connection to the existing centralized sewer network, there is a problem in use of a local electrotechnical complex of the water purification, capable to make purification of waters of household drains with high extent of cleaning. Secondary utilization of already used water reduces level of pollution of the natural massifs accepting sewage. On recycling can go both household drains, and city and industrial. Before recycling of the regenerated water it is necessary to provide a certain level of quality, especially in the relation sanitary and hygienic requirements. Traditional methods of processing of the water directed on dumping, are insufficient for ensuring such quality. New cleanings alternative technologies and disinfection by means of which it is possible to lower level of the content in water of microbes, nutrients, toxic substances are necessary and to come to a demanded level of quality of water at rather low cost. The successful solution of this task possibly at the integrated approach based on development of effective technological schemes and justification of parameters and working hours of electrophysical system of sewage treatment from biologically permanent organic pollution for its recycling in systems of an irrigation.